Finger Lakes Grape Program Enrollment

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  • Finger Lakes Vineyard Update
  • Semi-monthly Finger Lakes Vineyard Notes
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Event Offers DEC Credits

Event Details


August 15, 2019




Broome County Farmer's Market
840 Front St.
Binghamton, NY 13905


$50.00 Attendance to conference with lunch & breaks
(additional attendee $50.00 ea.)

At the Door
$65.00 Walk-in registration -CHECK PAYMENT ONLY!



Tim Weigle
716-792-2800 ext 203

Pre-Registration Deadline: August 13, 2019


Spotted Lanternfly-NYS IPM Conference

August 15, 2019

Spotted Lanternfly-NYS IPM Conference

You are invited to join in the battle against the Spotted Lanternfly Invasion by getting the latest information at the NYS IPM Conference on Spotted Lanternfly on August 15, 2019. Experts in spotted lanternfly research, regulation and extension will be on hand to give an update from their experiences with Spotted Lanternfly on the front lines within the quarantine zones of Southeast Pennsylvania. Research faculty and Extension staff from Penn State have been working with members of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture since 2014 on controlling the spread of Spotted Lanternfly and will be on hand to share their first hand experiences.
Representatives from the NYS IPM Program, Cornell University, NYS Department of Ag & Markets, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and Finger Lakes Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM) will be on also be on hand to let you know what is being done to keep Spotted Lanternfly from becoming established into NYS. If you own a business or travel to any of the quarantine zones, you'll definitely want to hear about the New York State External Quarantine and the steps you need to take to be in compliance.
Who should attend? This invasive pest affects horticultural and agricultural crops, ornamentals, landscape, forests, and shade trees in residential areas so every resident of New York could potentially be affected if Spotted Lanternfly becomes established in New York. Growers, Landscapers, Greenhouse and Nursery Operations, Christmas Tree Growers, Foresters, Master Gardeners, Master Foresters and Residents are just some of the groups who will benefit from attending this meeting.

Cost is $50 which includes a catered lunch and breaks.
Pre-registration ends Tuesday, August 13 at midnight.

Day of Walk in registration is $65.00-CHECK PAYMENT ONLY!
Make check payable to CORNELL UNIVERSITY

NYSDEC has approved 6 pesticide recertification credits in the following categories: 1A, 2, 3A, 6A, 9, 10, 22, 25

An application for recertification credits for Pennsylvania pesticide applicators has also been submitted. 

DIETARY RESTRICTIONS: Please e-mail Kate Robinson at with any dietary needs or restrictions.

SLF Agenda (PDF; 362KB)

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