Event Details
July 11, 2013
7:00 PM
6592 West Main Road
Portland, NY 14769
Lake Erie Regional Grape ProgramCrop Estimation and Thinning Meeting
July 11, 2013This season has produced a bounty of clusters and berries in many vineyards across the region and has most everyone wondering just how many tons are hanging in their vineyards. In an effort to assist you in answering those questions we will be holding a series of meetings looking at crop estimation and thinning. Dr. Terry Bates, CLEREL, will be on hand to explain the how-to's of crop estimation as well as share his experience in his various thinning experiments. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn first-hand the steps involved in crop estimation as well as get the latest information on where we stand this year when compared to average. Representative from area processors will also be on hand.