2014 Events - year view
previous yearJanuary 2014
Marketing for Profit: Long Term Assessment: Keeping an Eye On Your Customers
January 8, 2014
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at http://www.nyfarmersmarket.com/work-shop-programs/online-marketing-for-profit-course.html.
Marketing for Profit: Long Term Assessment: Keeping an Eye On Your Customers
January 9, 2014
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at http://www.nyfarmersmarket.com/work-shop-programs/online-marketing-for-profit-course.html.
2014 Becker Forum: Building the Agricultural Workforce of the Future
January 20, 2014
East Syracuse, NY
Marketing for Profit: Putting a Handle on the Tomato: Reinventing the Product
January 28, 2014
10:00 am -11:30 am
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at http://www.nyfarmersmarket.com/work-shop-programs/online-marketing-for-profit-course.html.
Marketing for Profit: Putting a Handle on the Tomato: Reinventing the Product
January 29, 2014
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at http://www.nyfarmersmarket.com/work-shop-programs/online-marketing-for-profit-course.html.
February 2014
Marketing for Profit: Drudgery That Pays Well! Maintaining Databases and Information
February 4, 2014
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at http://www.nyfarmersmarket.com/work-shop-programs/online-marketing-for-profit-course.html.
Marketing for Profit: Drudgery That Pays Well! Maintaining Databases and Information
February 6, 2014
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at http://www.nyfarmersmarket.com/work-shop-programs/online-marketing-for-profit-course.html.
Winter Injury Field Meeting
February 13 - February 14, 2014
3:00 - 5:00 PM
Geneva, NY
This meeting will focus on evaluating winter injury in vineyards, and how growers can adapt their pruning practices in response.
Pruning Workshop
February 14, 2014
Friday 1pm - 4pm
Geneva, NY
Pruning Workshop, Friday February 14, 2014
Pre-registration is required and the cost is $30 per person, class limited to 25 people.
Please remember to dress for the weather and bring your own pruning sheers.
Project Reporting Session
February 26, 2014
A project reporting session is scheduled for Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at the Cornell Lake Erie Research and Extension Laboratory located at 6592 West Main Rd. Portland, NY. This location will serve as the satellite location via polycom. The physical presenters will be in Geneva. The meeting will begin at 10:00am and run until approximately 3:00pm. Updates on projects funded by the Lake Erie Regional Grape Program Research and Extension Program, Inc. (the group charged with dispersing the 75 cents per ton voluntary assessment for Concords produced in the Lake Erie Region), New York Wine and Grape Foundation, New York Wine Grape Growers Association and Viticulture Consortium East, will be presented, as well as, short presentations on proposed new projects. The meeting format is designed to encourage discussion between those who are conducting or proposing projects, the funders, and the grower community by limiting presentations to 5 minutes and eliminating the use of visual aids. Lunch is provided for attendees but you must register to reserve a lunch. Please respond to Kate by Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 716-792-2800 x201 or kjr45@cornell.edu.
2014 B.E.V. NY Conference
February 27 - March 1, 2014
All day event
Waterloo, NY
We are happy to announce that Finger Lakes Grape Growers Conference and Trade Show has merged with Cornell annual NY Wine Industry Workshop to create a new event called B.E.V. NY, which will be held February 27, 28 and March 1, 2014 at the Waterloo Holiday Inn, on Route 414 just north of Routes 5 & 20 in Waterloo, NY.
Click here to go to the B.E.V. NY website for registration and program information.
March 2014
CORE Pesticide Training & Pesticide Applicator's License Exam
March 11, 2014
The "CORE" training session will be held from 9:00am to 12:15pm. This session is designed as a review prior to taking the exam, but is not mandatory. Pre-registration is required for this event. Please see pdf registration form and flyer for additional information. The Private and Commercial NYS Pesticide Examinations will be given at 1:00pm in the CLEREL Conference room. You must register for this exam by contacting the NYS DEC, Buffalo Office, by calling (716) 851-7220.
2014 Winter Grape Growers Conference
March 20, 2014
Fredonia, NY
Mark your calendars, the date has been set for the 2014 Lake Erie Regional Grape Program's Winter Grape Grower Conference. Come join fellow grape growers for an educational day of lectures and discussion panels. An agenda is in development stages right now, but you can plan on seeing topics on up and coming GIS and sensory work, as well as, always pertinent, topics such as trellissing, soil development and Pest Management applications. DEC credits will be available.
We will be holding this event at the Williams Center located on the SUNY Fredonia Campus this year. The renovations are complete and they are happy to be hosting us again. The renovations are going to allow us to hold the entire conference within the Williams Center. There will be no need to be walking on icy pathwways or going in and out of the cold. Once you arrive, you will spend the entire day right there in one building and everything is handicap accessible.
April 2014
NEWA Training
April 8, 2014
Overview of NEWA, including how to access NEWA Home Page and Weather Station information, followed by information on how to access weather and pest model information through NEWA. Class will conclude with discussion on how to develop and implement an IPM strategy using the weather and pest model information that you learned how to obtain through the NEWA website.
NEWA Training
April 8, 2014
Erie, NY
Overview of NEWA, including how to access NEWA Home Page and Weather Station information, followed by information on how to access weather and pest model information through NEWA. Class will conclude with discussion on how to develop and implement an IPM strategy using the weather and pest model information that you learned how to obtain through the NEWA website.
Training Your Customers: Effective Tasting Room Techniques-RESCHEDULED TO MAY 20, 2014
April 17, 2014
We apologize for any inconvenience the rescheduling of this event may have caused. Please refer to the newly scheduled event for May 20, 2014 for registration and information.
May 2014
Coffee Pot Meeting
May 7, 2014
Burt, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Tailgate Meeting May 13th
May 13, 2014
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Penn Yan, NY
Mike and Hans will bring some timely topics and information to discuss at the meeting, but there will also be time to talk about whatever else is on growers' minds. Hope to see you there!
Coffee Pot Meeting
May 14, 2014
Lake City, PA
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Training Your Customers: Effective Tasting Room Techniques-
May 20, 2014
Calling all Winery owners and staff- Come join us for a day of learning about Effective Tasting Room techniques. This is a full day program featuring speakers from Cornell University and Penn State University. Topics include Typicity Tune-up, Viticulture Intro, Mechanics of Winemaking, MythBusters, Sensory Evaluation and Flaws Training, and Selling at the Cellar Door. Please refer to attached agenda for more information.
Coffee Pot Meetings
May 21, 2014
Perrysburg, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
2014 Finger Lakes Grape Spring IPM Meeting
May 22, 2014
4:00 - 6:00 PM
Hector, NY
Our annual Finger Lakes Spring Grape IPM meeting will be held this year on Thursday, May 22, 2014 from 4:00 - 6:00 pm at Standing Stone Vineyards, 9934 Route 414, Hector, NY 14841. Hosted by Tom and Martha Macinski.
Tailgate Meeting May 27th
May 27, 2014
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Rockstream, NY
Mike and Hans will bring some timely topics and information to discuss at the meeting, but there will also be time to talk about whatever else is on growers' minds. Hope to see you there!
Coffee Pot Meeting
May 28, 2014
Westfield, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
June 2014
Coffee Pot Meeting
June 4, 2014
Brant, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Coffee Pot Meeting
June 4, 2014
North East, PA
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Special Seminar: Lessons Learned from the Lodi Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing
June 5, 2014
5:00 - 6:00 PM
Geneva, NY
Please join us for a presentation by Matthew Hoffman, Grower Program Coordinator for the Lodi Winegrape Commission, about the Lodi grape industry's experience with their sustainability certification program, The Lodi Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing. This program was the first sustainability certification program developed for grape growing in the United States, and has served as a model for a number of other programs that have developed since then, including the VineBalance program here in New York. Dr. Hoffman will talk about some of the pros and cons of creating a third party certification program like the Lodi Rules, and what kinds of impacts the program has had for the industry out there.
Tailgate Meeting June 10th
June 10, 2014
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Interlaken, NY
Mike and Hans will bring some timely topics and information to discuss at the meeting, but there will also be time to talk about whatever else is on growers' minds. Hope to see you there!
Coffee Pot Meeting
June 11, 2014
Appleton, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Coffee Pot Meeting
June 11, 2014
Silver Creek, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Tree Assistance Program (TAP) information meeting
June 12, 2014
Portland, NY
TAP reimbursement information meeting with Mary Lynn Laver. Come to learn about the program and have any questions you may have answered.
Coffee Pot Meeting
June 18, 2014
Irving, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Coffee Pot Meeting
June 18, 2014
Ripley, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Hops Production in the Lake Erie Region
June 21, 2014
Portland, NY
Participants will learn about commercial hops production; starting with classroom instruction on production practices from commercial hops growers from Pennsylvania and New York as well as Cornell University extension staff. The talks will provide an overview of hops production from before they are planted in the ground to the processing and marketing after harvest.
Planting a hop yard
Nutrition basics
Short trellis hops production
What to do with your hops after harvest
Marketing hops
Determining pricing for selling hops
Tailgate Meeting June 24th
June 24, 2014
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Naples, NY
Mike and Hans will bring some timely topics and information to discuss at the meeting, but there will also be time to talk about whatever else is on growers' minds. Hope to see you there!
Coffee Pot Meeting
June 25, 2014
Youngstown, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Coffee Pot Meeting
June 25, 2014
North East, PA
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
July 2014
Coffee Pot Meeting
July 2, 2014
North Collins, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Tailgate Meeting July 8th
July 8, 2014
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Prattsburg, NY
Mike and Hans will bring some timely topics and information to discuss at the meeting, but there will also be time to talk about whatever else is on growers' minds. Hope to see you there!
Coffee Pot Meeting
July 9, 2014
Fredonia, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
NDVI Sensor Scan
July 10 - August 26, 2014
Vine size plays an essential role in maximizing vineyard efficiency. Mapping a relative approximation of vine size offers the potential of improved average vine size through decreased variability.With NDVI research in its 5th year, we're confident with a little help from you we can make this technology commercially viable. Moving beyond block management and managing vine size within blocks can improve sampling, identify and quantify viticultural challenges, and even change management strategies. The first step is familiarizing yourself with your blocks and the identifying long-term vine size patterns. Please register for this event, we can provide the technology to do just that.
Vineyard Equipment Demonstration
July 10, 2014
4:00 - 5:30 PM
Penn Yan, NY
The FLGP will be hosting a demonstration of a new type of mechanical leaf remover and a cultivator to remove weeds from under the trellis.
Coffee Pot Meeting
July 16, 2014
Irving, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Enology Research & Extension Planning Meeting
July 22, 2014
Portland, NY
Extension and Research presentations by Chris Gerling, Anna Katherine Mansfield and Gavin Saks, followed by a general discussion session with stakeholder input on knowledge gaps and extension needs. Lunch will be provided and followed by a group brainstorming session.
Tailgate Meeting July 22
July 22, 2014
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Ovid, NY
Mike and Hans will bring some timely topics and information to discuss at the meeting, but there will also be time to talk about whatever else is on growers' minds. Hope to see you there!
Coffee Pot Meeting
July 23, 2014
North East, PA
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Coffee Pot Meeting
July 30, 2014
Westfield, NY
These meetings are free of charge! Come join the small group discussion of what is happening in the vineyards this week. We look forward to seeing you!
August 2014
Tailgate Meeting August 5th
August 5, 2014
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Branchport, NY
Mike and Hans will bring some timely topics and information to discuss at the meeting, but there will also be time to talk about whatever else is on growers' minds. Hope to see you there!
Tailgate Meeting August 19th
August 19, 2014
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Hector, NY
Mike and Hans will bring some timely topics and information to discuss at the meeting, but there will also be time to talk about whatever else is on growers' minds. Hope to see you there!
Thompson Ag Pig Roast and Twilight Meeting
August 20, 2014
Silver Creek, NY
Come enjoy an evening of vineyard information and good food. The program is offered by LERGP, followed by the Thompson Ag Annual Pig Roast.
September 2014
Pinot Noir and Burgundy: Still Made For Each Other?
September 8, 2014
5:00 - 6:30 PM
Penn Yan, NY
Dr. Benjamin Bois (University of Burgundy) will be giving an informal presentation on Pinot noir production in the Burgundy region of France and how changes to the regional climate might impact that. There is no fee to attend, but we ask everyone to register ahead of time on our website or call our office at (315) 536-5134.
October 2014
Dr. Kees van Leeuwen: How soil, climate and vineyard management influence Cabernet Franc production
October 21, 2014
5:00 - 6:30 PM
Geneva, NY
Dr. Kees van Leeuwen is a leading viticulture researcher in Bordeaux, and the viticulture consultant for Chateau Cheval Blanc in St. Emilion, one of the premier producers in Bordeaux, which uses a high percentage of Cabernet Franc in its wines. Dr. van Leeuwen has graciously agreed to share his extensive experience working with Cabernet Franc with our industry while he is visiting.