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December 2013

Marketing for Profit: You Are What You Look Like! Preparing The Product

December 3, 2013
10:00 am -11:30 am

Marketing for Profit: You Are What You Look Like! Preparing The Product
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at

Marketing for Profit: You Are What You Look Like! Preparing The Product

December 4, 2013
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Marketing for Profit: You Are What You Look Like! Preparing The Product
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at

Marketing for Profit: You Are What They THINK You Are! Selling The Product

December 17, 2013
10:00 am -11:30 am

Marketing for Profit: You Are What They THINK You Are! Selling The Product
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at

Marketing for Profit: You Are What They THINK You Are! Selling The Product

December 18, 2013
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Marketing for Profit: You Are What They THINK You Are! Selling The Product
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at

January 2014

Marketing for Profit: Long Term Assessment: Keeping an Eye On Your Customers

January 8, 2014
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Marketing for Profit: Long Term Assessment: Keeping an Eye On Your Customers
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at

Marketing for Profit: Long Term Assessment: Keeping an Eye On Your Customers

January 9, 2014
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Marketing for Profit: Long Term Assessment: Keeping an Eye On Your Customers
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at

2014 Becker Forum: Building the Agricultural Workforce of the Future

January 20, 2014
East Syracuse, NY

Visit for NYSVGA website for  program and registration infomration

Marketing for Profit: Putting a Handle on the Tomato: Reinventing the Product

January 28, 2014
10:00 am -11:30 am

Marketing for Profit: Putting a Handle on the Tomato: Reinventing the Product
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at

Marketing for Profit: Putting a Handle on the Tomato: Reinventing the Product

January 29, 2014
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Marketing for Profit: Putting a Handle on the Tomato: Reinventing the Product
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at

February 2014

Marketing for Profit: Drudgery That Pays Well! Maintaining Databases and Information

February 4, 2014
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Marketing for Profit: Drudgery That Pays Well! Maintaining Databases and Information
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at

Marketing for Profit: Drudgery That Pays Well! Maintaining Databases and Information

February 6, 2014
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Marketing for Profit: Drudgery That Pays Well! Maintaining Databases and Information
The Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success webinar series will be available online as a full marketing course for farmers and farm educators. The course will cover all 5 Assessment tools, the webinar presentations and includes all resources and links associated with each webinar. Those completing the full course of webinars will be fully prepared to complete a business and marketing plan and add profits to their farm business. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Achievement and eligibility for Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan credits. To access the online course, register at

Winter Injury Field Meeting

February 13 - February 14, 2014
3:00 - 5:00 PM
Geneva, NY

Winter Injury Field Meeting
This meeting will focus on evaluating winter injury in vineyards, and how growers can adapt their pruning practices in response.

Pruning Workshop

February 14, 2014
Friday 1pm - 4pm
Geneva, NY

Pruning Workshop, Friday February 14, 2014
Pre-registration is required and the cost is $30 per person, class limited to 25 people.
Please remember to dress for the weather and bring your own pruning sheers.

Project Reporting Session

February 26, 2014

Project Reporting Session
A project reporting session is scheduled for Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at the Cornell Lake Erie Research and Extension Laboratory located at 6592 West Main Rd. Portland, NY. This location will serve as the satellite location via polycom. The physical presenters will be in Geneva. The meeting will begin at 10:00am and run until approximately 3:00pm. Updates on projects funded by the Lake Erie Regional Grape Program Research and Extension Program, Inc. (the group charged with dispersing the 75 cents per ton voluntary assessment for Concords produced in the Lake Erie Region), New York Wine and Grape Foundation, New York Wine Grape Growers Association and Viticulture Consortium East, will be presented, as well as, short presentations on proposed new projects. The meeting format is designed to encourage discussion between those who are conducting or proposing projects, the funders, and the grower community by limiting presentations to 5 minutes and eliminating the use of visual aids. Lunch is provided for attendees but you must register to reserve a lunch. Please respond to Kate by Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 716-792-2800 x201 or

2014 B.E.V. NY Conference

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 27 - March 1, 2014
All day event
Waterloo, NY

2014 B.E.V. NY Conference
We are happy to announce that Finger Lakes Grape Growers Conference and Trade Show has merged with Cornell annual NY Wine Industry Workshop to create a new event called B.E.V. NY, which will be held February 27, 28 and March 1, 2014 at the Waterloo Holiday Inn, on Route 414 just north of Routes 5 & 20 in Waterloo, NY.

Click here to go to the B.E.V. NY website for registration and program information.

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